Guy Who Asked To Have Pizza At His Funeral Didn’t Specify What Type Of Pizza, So Now Everyone Is Pissed That It Has Anchovies
GREAT FALLS, MT — When Peter Gardner’s house burned down with him inside of it last month, his friends and family were traumatized. Their trauma was quickly halted when they stumbled upon one of Peter’s old Facebook posts.

Peter’s Facebook post became a reality on Tuesday when six boxes of Red Baron pizza were served to those in attendance at his funeral. Their excitement rapidly turned into disgust when they realized all six pizzas had anchovies on them.
“I was actually looking forward to the pizza. Then, I saw the anchovies and felt overwhelmingly sad.” said Peter’s widow, Victoria Gardner, who lost her husband and all of her belongings when their house burned down last month.
The anchovies’ presence at the funeral clearly soured the mood. Fifty-four people gathered on Tuesday to eat pizza and remember Peter, whose vocal chords were almost entirely destroyed from screaming while burning alive. Those in attendance either picked the anchovies off or just threw away their slice of pizza.
“The thing that gets lost in all of this is that they were Red Baron frozen pizzas. We had to eat mid-level frozen pizza, which was made even worse by the anchovies. I just wish he just would have been more specific.” said Kyle Sanders at the funeral of his best friend, who had a closed-casket funeral since his body was charred beyond recognition.

With the funeral now over, Peter Gardner’s friends and family are finally free from a truly awful situation.